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In SRQ as it is in Heaven

Author: Ryan Burchfield

  • Hero-makers

    January 22, 2018
    "When they saw the courage of Peter and John and realized that they were unschooled, ordinary men, they were astonished…
  • Oldest Trick in the Book

    August 30, 2017
    Most of us grow up learning to recite the Lord's Prayer, Matthew 6:9-13. Suspiciously, we do not learn the verses…
  • Our 2nd Anniversary!

    July 10, 2017
    In Sarasota, we taught about house church concepts for 3 months before we had our first house church meeting. We…
  • Giving and Receiving

    April 11, 2017
    As a small group in Sarasota, we have been learning a lot of information about being a Kingdom of Sheep.…
  • Finding Jesus – The Conclusion

    December 6, 2016
    “If Jesus were the Pastor of your church you probably wouldn’t go there”. This is a provocative quote from Francis…
  • Finding Jesus – Part 3

    November 14, 2016
    The apostles struggled to really see Jesus as the Messiah in many of the same ways we struggle today. Continuing…
  • Finding Jesus – Part 2

    October 11, 2016
    Another individual who missed recognizing Jesus was Simon the Pharisee - Luke 7:36-39 36 When one of the Pharisees invited Jesus to…
  • Finding Jesus – Part 1

    October 4, 2016
    We are studying people who came near to Jesus but still almost missed recognizing him as the Messiah. First up…
  • Finding Jesus

    September 28, 2016
    This excerpt is from a sermon given by Ryan Burchfield on Sunday, September 25, 2016 in Sarasota, Florida. Isaiah prophesied…
  • A Miracle No One Can Believe

    June 10, 2016
    The subject of miracles and miraculous gifts can be an odd subject to talk about. More conservative Christians find the…